Greater Englewood Special Service Area (SSA #80)
Greater Englewood Community Development Corporation (GECDC) is contracted by the City of Chicago as the sole service provider for Greater Englewood Special Service Area #80.
Greater Englewood Community Development Corporation (GECDC) is contracted by the City of Chicago as the sole service provider for Greater Englewood Special Service Area #80.
Meetings are held at GECDC
815 W. 63rd, 4th floor (US Bank building)
Chicago IL, 60621
Providing technical assistance to businesses and properties within the SSA, and marketing support the efforts
To support beautification of 63rd and Ashland, trash cans will be installed with a community-focused anti-littering campaign
Conducting monthly SSA surveys of the area to monitor and address issues ranging from broken street lights to ordinance violations.
What is an SSA?
Special Service Areas are local tax districts that fund expanded services and programs through a localized property tax levy within contiguous areas. The enhanced services and programs are in addition to those currently provided through the City.
Why do we need an SSA?
With federal, state, and city funding becoming increasingly scarce, SSAs guarantee a consistent level of management for a district, ensuring that they remain competitive and high-performing. 100% of the collected tax revenue is devoted to maintaining and improving the designated area.
Who governs the SSA?
Special Service Area #80 is under the guidance of the Greater Englewood Commission, a body of public and private officials who oversee the allocation of funding within the service area. Commissioners are recommended by the commission and/or SSA Advisory Committee and appointed by the Mayor with aldermanic support.
Who determines the budget for the SSA?
The budget for the SSA is managed and approved on an annual basis by the State Street Commission. The SSA revenue is collected by Cook County in its regular property tax collection process.
What is the relationship between Greater Englewood CDC and the SSA?
The City of Chicago contracts with local non-profit organizations to manage SSAs. For SSA #80, Greater Englewood Community Development is the sole service provider for the SSA as designated by the city.